Book Coaching Services
Hone your writing craft with an award-winning author

The Idea is King
I will help you expand your book’s starting point, be it a character, a what-if scenario, or an intriguing milieu, into a compelling concept. This package includes a one-hour and a half zoom meeting where we will discuss your project specifically.
Investment: $150

Character design
Not sure why your characters feel flat? While most writing textbooks advise you to come up with lines upon lines of character biography, I will teach you how to create fictional people with a combination of character flaws and contradicting dimensions. Your characters will feel real to you and the reader, and soon you will write dialogue and action that leaps right off the pages. This package includes two sessions of one hour and a half zoom meetings where we will discuss your project specifically.
Investment: $300

I will help you turn your concept into a novel blueprint, including character arcs and plot structure. This package includes a one-hour and a half zoom meeting where we will discuss your project specifically.
Investment: $150

Better beginnings
The first chapters are hard to write. You must intrigue readers, bonding them to the characters and your story. Most writers tinkle with their beginnings endlessly, never sure why it isn’t working. I can teach you techniques to make your stories compelling from page one. How it works: Send me your first act (15000 to 20000 words) and your plot summary. I will highlight what is working and what isn’t and suggest how to improve your manuscript.
Investment: $250 (two weeks turnaround)

Sizzling scenes
Scenes are the bricks of modern storytelling. Even the most incredible characters and plots won’t sustain your novel if you fail to write compelling scenes. I will teach you concrete techniques to structure your scenes in a way that carries your story forward, adds tension and builds up to the book’s climax. How it works: After you book an appointment, please send me a 3000 words scene. I will use your own writing during the session.
Investment: $150 (one-week turnaround)

Editorial evaluation
I will read your manuscript and highlight your project’s strengths and weaknesses. I will separate the feedback into major areas: concept, plot, character, structure, pacing, scene writing, and prose. You will have a blueprint to revise your work.
Investment: $800 (three weeks turnaround)
Kirkus Reviews
Chick Lit Café
Why I'm the right person to help you write your novel

I’ve chased Nasdaq’s narrative arcs and climax points for twelve long years working as an economist. Still, my imagination was wasted in the financial markets, so I decided to put it to better use: write fiction. I’ve attended several writing courses, including the MFA-like UNWC by Jericho Writers. I love every aspect of the writing craft. After successfully publishing two award-winning novels, I want to ease the way of budding authors into the world of novel-writing bliss. I specialize in genre fiction and love developing historical and romance new ideas. I believe in respectful but honest and constructive feedback, and whoever works with me can expect to hone their writing craft to the point that their ideas will flourish on the paper.
Writing Awards
Highly Recommended Award of Excellence from The Historical Fiction Company, Literary Titan Book Award, Best historical romance of the year by The Chick Lit Café.